Monday, August 31, 2009

Insanity fit test results

Okay my 2nd fit test of this round results. Since I've done 3 total, I'm posting all of them. Reminder I did 2 weeks of Insanity, got sick, took a rest week then restarted. So the numbers will go Initial/Restart 1st/2nd

Switch kicks - 50/56/63 (1 = 2 kicks counted these wrong before)
Power jacks - 47/57/62
Power knees - 87/100/104 (lost my rhythm twice so could've been better)
Power jumps - 24/33/43
Globe jumps - 7/10/12 (1 = 4 directional wide-stance jump squats)
Suicide jumps - 17/20/22
Pushup jacks - 17/28/35
Low plank obliques - 60/82/106

I was REALLY surprised after just the first move with how much more I was doing in JUST the last 2 weeks. Seriously? I didn't KNOW that I'd keep progressing and I'm stoked! This is SERIOUSLY the best cardio workouts EVER!!!! Everyone who CAN do this SERIOUSLY just should GET IT! I'm looking forward to more pain.blood.sweat.& tears. Just sayin' THANK YOU SHAUN T!!!!!



Krissa said...

Good job! I can wait to join in on the fun!

Kelly Olexa said...

Awesome results woman!! I am soooo loving these workouts more than anything I have ever done. Talk about making cardio enjoyable!! ;-)